Sivage Angus is a maternal moderate framed, 1250 pound average, low 1.89 lbs. birth weight EPD herd with weaned bull calves coming in around 625 lbs and heifer calves 575 pounds. Weaning EPDs average 27.5 and Millk EPDs average 14.9 on the mature cows. The Sivage herd began with 40 highly maternal cows from Bud Severson, Clark, South Dakota, in 1980. A few Jorgenson partnership bulls were added for growth in the early 90s. The largely Rito 707 genetic base was enhanced with bulls and cows from B3R Bradely Ranch, Memphis, Texas, beginning in 1986 until now. Today, many of Minnie Lous bulls and cows can be seen setting a firm foundation under the herd. Through the use of artificial insemination, carcass ultrasound technologies over the past 10 years, the herd has grown to be balanced in all traits, yet maternal for productive longevity. Only the most proven sires were used. |