These fine young bulls, as a group across sire lines, averaged:
85 lbs.
at birth a
+1.8 lbs.
EPD Milk
715 lbs.
ADJWT at weaning

No Creep is used. Pastures are hard short grass undulating Dakota prairies with sharp steep Frozen Man Creek with hog back cuts and Bad River breaks. The herd cows are of a moderate frame averaging 1250 pounds.
Your home for balanced trait, high accuracy predictable, guaranteed, black angus registered yearling bulls & heifer seedstock, as well as cow/calf pairs. All sold at one big auction in the spring. All animals carry complete AHIR performance statistics including carcass ultrasound data.
Sivage 250 Ambush 620

"250" Ratioed 112 at weaning with a 96 pound birthweight. He is a BCC Bushwacker cross on a Lucy Boy 108 ratioing Pathfinder cow 620. His disposition is outstanding with great depth of rib and extreme length.

--Full, complete AHIR performance records

--ULTRASOUND carcass analysis

--SEMEN & SCROTAL tested by a veterinarian and guaranteed for a 90 day breeding season

--Exceptional length and width. Heavy maternal influence. Physically built for the range.